DescriptionAfter 3 years of COVID- and other crises we can finally invite you again to celebrate life,
have a great time and raise money for the island we all love. Ikarian film makers will screen their films and Ikarian musicians will create an Ikariotiko party. The income from this event will be used to support projects on Ikaria, such as «One tree for every kid on Ikaria » (for more info: www.friendsofikaria.com). Also available: Ikarian products! Honey, herbs, olive oil and handmade soaps. Please order in advance( more info will follow). And also available: Ikarian food! 1 mezze plate for 6 EUR. Book by e-mail via This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and make your pre-payment( please indicate in your email which session(s) & date(s) you book for). The bank account of "Friends of Ikaria" is BE 33 5230 8081 7546. Communication for the transfer: Ikaria film and music festival + indication of the session + name In collaboration with the Drama International Short Film Festival in Greece. Program Sunday 19 March 2023 16.30 h – 19.00 h: Film session I. Short films: 1. „All that remains“ by Semeli Safou 2. „Time out“ by Zafiris Chaitidis Debate- Introduction and moderation: Urania Papakosta II: Documentary „Women fighters – The triple liberation“ by Leonidas Vardaros and Xenofon Vardaros Debate- Introduction and moderation: Xenofon Vardaros 19.30 h – 23.00 h: Music from Ikaria Yannis Kefalas – Guitar, vocals Nikos Plakas – Violine, vocals Frans De Clercq – Bouzouki, vocals EventList powered by schlu.net |
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